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Meteo4Agro offers enriched meteorological data for calculation of Agro-climatic factors (see fig. 1)

The Meteo4Agro service offers the following products:

  • AgroClimatic factors calculated from global climatic data
  • AgroClimatic factors calculated from enriched local data - in near future

Agro-climatic factors calculated from global climatic data

This is the entry-level service and is free of charge. The user gets up following agro-climatic factors influencing any place selected in the map calculated from global climatic data:

  • From air temperature: Frost-free periods, growing degree units, heat stress units, number of (optimal) growing degree days,
  • From soil temperature: The nitrogen application window,
  • From incident sunlight: Accumulated solar radiation,
  • From precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff data: Water balance.

The factors are calculated from global data only, and therefore the accuracy is limited (see the uncertainties in fig. 2). The service uses the ERA5-Land hourly data from 1950

to present dataset [!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land]

info4agro_in_season_plzen.width-500 info4agro_years_crop_overview.width-500

AgroClimatic factors calculated from enriched local data

This paid service provides agro-climatic factors calculated from a combination of meteorological station data and the global data from ERA5-Land dataset. The meteorological station there provides precise calibration of the global climatic data to the very specific place of interest. The global data enriches the local data by interpolation of missing measurement, but mainly by extrapolation far to the past (1951) to look for trends in the agro-climatic conditions of an area of interest.

Our algorithm correlates the measured local data with the ERA5-Land data in the vicinity of the meteorological station(s). The algorithm provides data with hourly or daily detail for the basic climatic variables, such as air and soil temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, solar radiation. More climatic values can be added on demand. The calibrated climatic data are then processed and agro-climatic factors are calculated. The precision increases approx three times, according to an experiment performed in Jedlička et al. 2021.